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Broken Wings

I Brought my first ever sewing machine today and of course I was desperate to try it out. I decided to make an art journal page and some how incorporate some sewing in to the page. I had two art journal prompts which I needed to complete - Wings and Gadgets & Gears, both prompts were from Krazy Island Studios. 

I thought I would combine the two prompts on one page. So after some thought I decided that  I wanted to make newspaper feathers and then use my sewing machine I would stitch along the center of each feather, that would be the 'wings' and then I decided to make a heart and within it would be 'gadgets and gears'.  The result was this art journal page. 

The background was painted with acrylics paints, which I painted through several stencils to create texture. In the bottom corners of the page I used a palette knife to apply modeling paste through a stencil template called: Time and motion made by Imagination crafts.

The heart was made in the same way as the background just using more blue acrylic paint to make it stand out from the yellow background. I cut the feather shapes from an newspaper and then inked around the edges of each feather and fringed them. 

Next I used my new sewing machine to sow up along the center of each feather. Once I had stuck all the elements down, I completed today's art journal page by journaling around the heart and along the centers of each feather. I added today's date, I used alphabet stickers to spell out the quote : 'Take these broken wings and learn to fly'. Lastly I doodled around the cogs using a black biro and also a red stabilo writes all pencil. 

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