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This was my page for the - Week 25 Prompt: Nature Inspired for the Journal 52 facebook group. I chose to do a page about wildlife and nature, this page is to remind myself of all the beautiful plants, flowers, trees and animals we all have around us everyday.

We are all so privileged that we can reach out and touch, smell and admire all these things at any given time. However I also know that none of these things are permanent and we should not take them for granted. We should all try harder to take care of our environment and of our wildlife. Nature is BEAUTIFUL <3 


The quote is by Albert Einstein and i thought it to be fitting for this page.  It reads: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything”




There are 41,415 species on the IUCN Red list. 

(IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature.)16,306 of the species listed are endangered species currentely threated with extinction. The IUCN red list includes both endangered animals and plants. 

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